Risk to the Mother
Genuine concern about the mother’s health in crisis situations is one of the central issues surrounding the abortion debate. Naturally, no one wants to force a woman into a potentially fatal situation. But, is abortion ever actually medically necessary?
So, why do we call medical treatments an ‘abortion’?
There’s a terrible word game happening in politics right now. Abortionists know it, and they’re thriving because of it. Even many politicians know it, but they don’t protest against it. It’s a deadly game, costing thousands of lives even now.
An abortion is technically defined as ANY termination of a pregnancy. Going by that definition, even miscarriages and induced labour technically count as an abortion.
So the (current) technical definition of an abortion is any procedure ending a pregnancy.
(NOTE: These instances are NOT widely considered an abortion by many people, including medical professionals, who already differentiate between abortion and specific medical interventions such as preterm delivery, salpingectomy, etc. BUT the lines are blurred in politics, which is why we’re talking about this NOW).
Hold on to that for a moment.
Now, when Planned Parenthood and abortion conglomerates say ‘abortion', they’re talking about a very specific type of termination: An intentional killing of the preborn child.
So, the pro choice definition of an abortion is intentionally ending a pregnancy via directly killing the preborn child.
Hold on to that, too.
So the wikipedia definition of abortion is any termination of pregnancy, but the planned parenthood definition of abortion is killing a preborn child through medical intervention.
Are you following? I know, it’s confusing, but that’s the whole point. When politicians and media outlets play with definitions like this, it’s explicitly to confuse the audience in order to prevent opposition. So, it’s incredibly important to understand the differences in definition.
The issue gets more confusing because when pro choice advocates argue in debate, especially in politics, they’ll use both definitions simultaneously to defend their position. Let me show you how:
Definition 1: Abortion as any form of termination, including spontaneous termination or termination indirectly resulting from medical treatments.
Definition 2: Abortion as the intentional termination of a pregnancy by directly ending the life of the preborn child.
Here’s How It Works:
‘Abortion (definition 2) is a necessary human right! What if a woman needs an abortion (definition 1) because of an urgent health crisis? And if you ban abortion (definition 2), then women will get criminally charged for miscarriages, because those are abortions (definition 1) too!”
Sneaky, huh?
Sooo… What do we do?
Any time you’re talking about abortion, define your terms explicitly. I personally like to explain the two definitions to the person I’m talking with, so that we both understand the double definition of abortion. Then, I’ll apply two separate definitions to the conversation, so that we both understand which kind of termination is being referenced. Like this:
“Since there’s two definitions of abortion that are used interchangeably, but have very different meanings, I’m going to call the direct killing of an unborn child ‘an abortion’. But any spontaneous abortion/miscarriage, induced emergency labour, or death of the preborn child resulting from emergency intervention is going to be called ‘termination of pregnancy’.”
Explicitly defining terms means that you both know exactly what you’re talking about, and it immediately negates the power of the double-meaning of abortion that politicians and the abortion conglomerates rely on.
Are you totally sure?
It’s natural to want to be completely sure when it comes to this issue. Lives are at stake, and we’re trying to balance protecting the mother’s life with protecting the child’s life. So, we would want to be very sure before we start making laws about this—and that’s perfectly okay! Our goal is to protect all lives; so, here’s what the experts say.
Abortion would have killed her….
Medical Professionals Testify Towards Mother’s Health
The Other What-Aboutisms.
Of course, there’s a dozen other reasons people believe that abortion is necessary, so… keep reading!