Declarations and Donations.
Raise awareness about the issue of abortion through a dynamic, multi-faceted event!
This is a powerful, family-friendly form of advocacy. Unfortunately, for many people, the first time they hear the whole truth about abortion isn’t until they’re already in university and practically convinced of the pro choice slogans they’ve heard their entire lives. Of course, it’s hard to tell youth the truth about abortion when they’re young; it’s such a dark truth, and very heavy for young students!
Gentle Activism
For the Youth.
It sounds counter-intuitive, but ‘gentle’ activism is a really powerful way to reach younger viewers with the truth, without overwhelming them. Because of the family-friendly nature of these events, movie nights are also a great way to raise donations and spread awareness throughout the community!
How To
A movie
A screen
A projector
A location ;)
Team Members
Donation Team: 2+ People
These team members will be responsible for greeting guests at the door and collecting donations.
Speaker: 1 (or more)
This person will, obviously, provide a brief presentation before the movie begins. They can be a member of the club, or a guest speaker from a local pro life organization.
Tech Team
Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it might sound ;) The tech team is simply responsible for making sure the video plays properly.
Free :)
Movie Suggestions:
Amazing Grace
October Baby