Human Rights 101
Saving lives starts with a simple question: Is this preborn child a human?
Seems simple, doesn’t it? But here’s the problem: Pro abortion media has convinced many people that the preborn are not humans. So, step one is pretty simple: We have to prove that the preborn are, in fact, as human as you or I.

Okay, but… The preborn aren’t alive.
This is the most common, automatic response to the human rights argument. Sure, the preborn child might be human, but it’s not actually alive. Right…?
Actually, as you can see here, the preborn are clearly and distinctly alive. They’re already performing all the functions of life! But, this can be a pretty tough list to remember off-the-cuff. Our advice? Take a screenshot, and save this for your next conversation! Or, remember these four, simple questions:

They’re still not people, though.
Is it ever safe to separate ‘person’ from ‘human’?
But the baby isn’t independent of the mother’s body.
But the baby doesn’t look like a person yet (just a clump of cells).
But the baby isn’t conscious.
But the baby can’t feel pain.
Etc, etc.
The truth is that all of these arguments boil down to the child’s size, level of development, environment, and dependency. Is it every okay to discriminate on a person based on how old they are? How developed (physically or mentally) they are? How dependent they are? Absolutely not!
The hard truth is that we’ve done this before: We’ve decided that certain humans were people, and other humans weren’t people, for a variety of reasons.
And we know we were wrong.
A society can never truly be just, ethical, moral, or civil unless ALL humans are considered people! And that is EXACTLY why we do what we do!

The What-Aboutisms.
Okay, so we might agree that the preborn are human. And we might agree that they’re alive. And we might even agree that they’re people! But, what about…. All the types of crises that women and families might face? Shouldn’t a woman get to abort if she needs to?
This is where most conversations get stuck in a rut. But don’t worry, we’ll help you navigate all the what-aboutisms!